Generational Equity

Added Value: Ways To Increase a Company’s Value Before Selling

A company evaluation measures the value of a company at a given period of time. Before listing a business for sale, one must ensure that its value is maximized in order to attract buyers and to make the most profit. Here are some ways to increase a business’ value before making the sale:

Increase your profits. Naturally, investors would gravitate towards companies that generate profit. Before listing a company for sale, business owners must ensure that potential buyers see continual increase in the company’s profits. Good retained earnings on the balance sheet are definite advantages. If necessary, business owners can look into cutting costs or creating efficiencies to give the company the extra profit boost it needs before a potential sale.


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Develop efficient processes and routines. A business should run smoothly, even without the involvement of its former management. Therefore, in order to attract buyers, a business’ operations should be seamless and effective. Moreover, these processes and routines should be well documented to serve as a guide for the new owners of the business.

Keep employee turnover low. The success of a business is just as good as the people behind it, and keeping skilled employees ensures stability for potential buyers.


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Generational Equity is a leading M&A firm working with middle-market business owners who seek strategic opportunities for mergers and acquisitions. Visit the company’s official website for more information on its services.
